
Meet Morgan


Hello There,
I’m Morgan.


Once upon a time, I was employed as a full-time marketing manager + graphic designer for a nation-wide home mortgage company. Before that, I was working for a high-end real estate office in Washington State. At the commencement of both motherhood and a global pandemic, I took to freelancing full-time for a few years, and have since returned to a mix of both the 9-5 and freelance with about 1-3 clients a month, now.

I enjoy working with a variety of clients around the country, including: Alaska, Maryland, Missouri, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming; yielding a well-rounded portfolio of art, graphic design, copywriting, photography, public relations, social media management, web design (Wordpress), and digital/print marketing consultation, as well as many other creative services.

My goal is to continue helping small businesses in a big way, without the big business price tag.

I greatly enjoy exploring new towns (especially small coffee shops!), antiquing, creative problem solving, non-profit collaborations, hiking and spending quality time with my friends, husband, twin sons, and dogs.

Portrait of Morgan Jasmine, graphic designer. Caucasian woman in late 20s with dark blonde hair, dark rimmed cat-eye like glasses, smiling in a blue blouse with a black cardigan over it.
Wherever you go,
no matter what the weather,
always bring your own sunshine.
— Anthony J. D’Angelo